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avidyā ignorance or unenlightenment
无明  detail>>
 n.  无知,缺乏教育,愚昧;不知道。 I- of the law excuses no one. 〔谚语〕不懂法律不能作为免罪的口实。 Where ignorance...  detail>>
in ignorance of
不知道……  detail>>
the bond of unenlightenment
痴缚  detail>>
the klea of moha held in unenlightenment
痴取  detail>>
a priori ignorance
先验无用  detail>>
absolute ignorance
极端无知  detail>>
be in ignorance of sth
不知某事  detail>>
circumscription ignorance
限制忽略  detail>>
clonal ignorance
克隆无知  detail>>
coefficient of ignorance
未知率  detail>>
complete ignorance
完全无知  detail>>
defensive ignorance
辩护的无知 防御性无知  detail>>
eliminate ignorance
消除愚昧  detail>>
equal ignorance
相等的无知  detail>>
erudition - ignorance
博学  detail>>
expressing ignorance
我不知道  detail>>
factor of ignorance
安全系数 储油因数 无知系数  detail>>